Here are some of the reasons I promote eating organically
grown fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does
NOT protect us from being poisoned.
Chemical companies are allowed to give campaign contributions to
politicians. This should be a
crime. These same politicians are
responsible for the actions (and inactions) of the EPA. The following information is from the
EPA website, and contains language not even close to telling the truth about
the dangers of these toxic chemicals.
Organophosphates (OP) and
N-methyl Carbamates
EPA completed
cumulative risk assessments and risk management decisions for the
organophosphate (OP) pesticides in August 2006 and the N-methyl carbamate
pesticides in September 2007. Further consideration is needed regarding these
pesticides' effects on endangered species. In recent years, EPA and
stakeholders have invested significant resources in gaining a better
understanding of these classes of pesticides. Addressing endangered species
effects early in registration review will ensure that this investment is not
lost or eroded over time. The registration review of the OPs began in 2008, and
the N-methyl carbamate review began in 2010.
Pyrethroids, Pyrethrins and Synergists (PPS)
During fiscal
year 2008, EPA completed reregistration eligibility decisions (REDs) for the
last individual pyrethroids, pyrethrins and synergists (PPS) that were subject
to reregistration. Meanwhile, other PPS were not subject to reregistration;
they are new active ingredients first registered after November 1, 1984. The
PPS pesticides have similar uses and issues but have never before been
considered together. Many have residential uses that may result in urban
runoff, potentially contaminating surface water and sediment, and posing
ecological risks. Most of these pesticides require endangered species risk
assessments. Because the PPS pesticides may be used as alternatives for one
another, it makes sense to consider them together and assess and manage their
risks within a similar timeframe. EPA, therefore, is considering the PPS during
registration review, starting in FY 2010 to FY 2012.
• -- PPS Special Docket, EPA-HQ-OPP-2008-0331 includes documents related to EPA's
review of this group of pesticides
• -- Pyrethrins/Pyrethroid Cumulative Risk Assessment (October 2011)
• -- Pyrethroids and Pyrethrins web page
Sulfonylureas (SU)
To increase
efficiencies, EPA also began reviewing the sulfonylurea herbicides (SUs) as a
group during registration review, starting in FY 2011. SUs are herbicides that
control weeds through inhibition of the enzyme acetolactate synthase. SUs are
used as pre- and post-emergent herbicides to control a variety of weeds on
cereal grains, pasture and rangeland, industrial sites, and turf grass.
Many of the
constituent herbicides of this chemical class were first registered in the
1980s or later and so have not undergone reregistration. Consequently, the
oldest group of these chemicals began registration review in 2011, and two
subsequent groups of more recently registered SUs are scheduled to have dockets
opened in 2012 and 2013.
Review of the sulfonylureas will include an evaluation of the need for
endangered species risk assessments and an examination of the potential for
adverse reproductive effects of sulfonylureas on off-site non-target plant
species, such as may result from spray drift.
Neonicotinoids (NN)
neonicotinoids are a class of insecticides with a common mode of action that
affects the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death. All
of the neonicotinoids were registered after 1984 and were not subject to
reregistration. Some uncertainties have been identified since their initial
registration regarding the potential environmental fate and effects of
neonicotinoid pesticides, particularly as they relate to pollinators. Data
suggest that neonicotinic residues can accumulate in pollen and nectar of
treated plants and may represent a potential exposure to pollinators. Adverse
effects data as well as beekill incidents have also been reported, highlighting
the potential direct and/or indirect effects of neonicotinic pesticides.
Therefore, among other refinements to ecological risk assessment during
registration review, the Agency will consider potential effects of the
neonicotinoids to honeybees and other pollinating insects.
registration review docket for imidacloprid opened in December 2008, and the
docket for nithiazine opened in March 2009. To better ensure a “level playing
field” for the neonicotinoid class as a whole, and to best take advantage of
new research as it becomes available, the Agency has moved the docket openings
for the remaining neonicotinoids on the registration review schedule
(acetamiprid, clothianidin, dinotefuran, thiacloprid and thiamethoxam) to FY
Fumigants (FUM)
Fumigants share
the characteristics of being volatile and mobile in the environment, so methods
to assess them are somewhat novel. Soil fumigants were determined to be
eligible for reregistration in 2008 and several other other fumigant pesticides
completed reregistration a few years earlier. While EPA is implementing risk
mitigation decisions for the soil fumigants, new research is underway to
address current data gaps and refine understanding of factors that affect how
fumigants move in the environment. New methods and technologies for fumigation
are emerging. EPA decided to move the fumigants forward in registration review
from 2017 to 2013 so the Agency will be able to consider new data and new
technologies sooner, as well as determine whether mitigation included in its
decisions is effectively addressing risks as EPA believes it will. EPA will
also include other fumigants that were not part of the reregistration review of
these pesticides.
Triazines (TR)
EPA decided to
review all pesticides in the triazines group within the same time frame and to
move these pesticides ahead in the registration review schedule so that dockets
for all will open in FY 2013. EPA initiated a reevaluation of the triazine
pesticide atrazine in fall 2009. Given the availability of new scientific
information as well as the documented presence of atrazine in both drinking
water sources and other bodies of water, EPA has determined it appropriate to
consider the new research and to ensure that the Agency’s regulatory decisions
about atrazine protect health and the environment. EPA’s reevaluation process
is based on transparency and sound science, including independent scientific
peer review. The current atrazine reevaluation will help address aspects of the
atrazine registration review which is scheduled to begin in 2013. As a result,
the current reevaluation should reduce the scope and resources needed to
complete the atrazine registration review.
Imidazolinones (IM)
are low-dose, high-potency herbicides that work by inhibition of the
acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme in plants. Their mode of action is similar
to that of the sulfonylurea (SU) family of herbicides, for which registration review
dockets will open between FY 2011 and FY 2013. In addition, imazapyr was the
only one of the imidazolinones to be subject to reregistration; registration
review will provide the first opportunity to consider the six herbicides in
this family in a common timeframe, starting in FY 2014.
Isothiazolinones (IS)
(or isothiazolones) are a group of compounds known for biocidal activity that
are registered with EPA as antimicrobial agents and have similar uses and use
patterns. Some of the isothiazolinones have conventional pesticide uses, as
well. EPA has adjusted the registration review schedule for the
isothiazolinones so that all of the uses of this family of pesticides can be
considered in a common timeframe, starting in FY 2014.
Pyridines (PY)
herbicides, which are used to control a number of broadleaf plants, have
primarily been identified in previous risk assessments as posing a potential
risk to non-target plants. In particular, some herbicides in this family appear
in reported incidents to have persisted in manure or compost later applied to
planted fields. As with the imidazolinones, only a portion of the pyridine
family was subject to reregistration, and registration review affords the
Agency the opportunity to consider all the herbicides in this family in a
common timeframe, starting in FY 2014.
Registration Review Program Highlights
Current as of
April 2012
review is replacing EPA's pesticide reregistration and tolerance reassessment
programs as those programs are being completed. Unlike earlier review programs,
registration review operates continuously, encompassing all registered
registration review, EPA is reviewing each registered pesticide every 15 years
to determine whether it still meets the FIFRA standard for registration. In
this way, the Agency is ensuring that all registered pesticides do not cause
unreasonable risks to human health, workers, or the environment when used as
directed on product labeling. The scope and depth of the Agency's reviews are
tailored to the circumstances, so registration reviews are commensurate with
the complexity of issues currently associated with each pesticide.
By law, the
Agency must complete the first 15-year cycle of registration review by October
1, 2022. To meet this requirement, EPA is opening 70 or more dockets annually
continuing through 2017, so that almost all pesticides registered at the start
of the program will have dockets opened by 2017. In fiscal year 2012, 744
pesticide cases comprising 1,165 active ingredients are scheduled for
registration review. (These numbers include cases that were scheduled but were
not required to go through registration review because there are no active
registrations for these pesticides in the U.S.) Newly registered pesticides
will be folded in each year. The Agency must complete the registration review
of each new pesticide active ingredient within 15 years of its initial
Current Status
As of April
• over 300 registration review cases are
past the docket opening stage
• over 250 registration review cases are
past the Final Work Plan stage
• 30 registration review final decisions
have been issued
The Docket for
each pesticide case beginning registration review includes a Preliminary Work
Plan, which explains what the Agency knows about the pesticide and our thought
process for determining the anticipated data and assessment needs. After
considering public comment, the Agency issues a Final Work Plan for each case
which responds to comments received, explains the Agency's risk assessment and
data needs, and presents an expected time line for the registration review.
Groups of Related Pesticides
Beginning Registration Review
In conducting
the registration review program, EPA generally will review pesticides in
chronological order according to their baseline dates; that is, older cases
will be reviewed first. Within this structure, however, the Agency also plans
to review certain related pesticides at the same time. Pesticide cases may be
related by chemical class or structure, mode of action, use, or for other
reregistration, the Agency gained experience and efficiencies in simultaneously
reviewing related pesticides in groups like the organophosphates, N-methyl
carbamates, triazines, and chloroacetanilides, as well as the rodenticides and
soil fumigants. Similarly, EPA expects to increase program efficiencies and
promote other benefits by continuing the practice of grouping related
pesticides during registration review. For example:
• Technical and regulatory issues may be
resolved more easily looking across an entire chemical class or group;
• Resources can be maximized within EPA,
among stakeholders, and within other federal agencies;
• New research findings may be facilitated;
• In developing decisions, a "level
playing field" among chemicals in the group may be assured.
The following groups
of related pesticides have started registration review or are scheduled to
begin registration review from 2012 to 2015.
Search for documents related to EPA's review of individual